Online Giving
Your generosity allows St. Paul’s United Methodist Church to fulfill our mission in being a welcoming community sharing Christ’s love in service through relationships.
Easy Way to Give!!
Effective immediately, we have a new way to give to St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. You can download an app to your Apple or Android device and give through the mobile app. Using the mobile app, you’ll be able to give via credit card, debit card, savings account or checking account. The mobile app has the most flexibility. It will allow you to give to multiple areas supported by our church. You can give to the General Fund, Lent/Advent, Flowers, Neighbors, Inc. UMCOR or the Mission Team. The default option will be a gift to the general fund.
This tool allows you to give easily during this time of worshiping from our individual homes. This option was put in place due to the pandemic but it is available permanently. This option is provided by Vanco, a company that we have done business with for many years. They process of all of our ACH (electronic gifts) that some members have signed up to use. Here’s some additional info on how to access this new tool.
Giving electronically just got easier! Just open your camera on your phone and scan the QR code beleow. It will take you directly to our VANCO giving website. From here you can set up a one-time gift or recurring gift and you can use your credit card or pay from your bank account. Try it, it is very easy to use.
Thank you for your contribution to St. Paul’s UMC and our Ministries.