Sunday Mornings
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church is handicapped accessible and has ample parking in the parking lot. Dress ranges from blue jeans to suits and dresses. Hearing aid devices are available from the ushers. All are welcome.
Adult Sunday School hour for All begins at 9:00 am and offers faith formation opportunities for all adults. Sunday School, Confirmation, Youth Group and various forms of Adult Bible Study are available. Watch for signs to direct you to the event’s location.
Worship services begin at 10:00 am and incorporates a creative and respectful mix of music and PowerPoint presentation.
We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. St. Paul’s United Methodist Church welcomes to the table all who profess their love of Jesus Christ. You need not be a member of this or any congregation to take part. Participants are instructed by ushers to walk to the front of the church, take a piece of bread, then choose to dip in the Chalice or take an individual cup at the communion rail. You are invited to kneel at the rails if you wish. Tell an usher if you prefer to be served at your seat.
Children are always welcome in the worship service. Worship journals, crayons and books are available for children in the back of the church. The Nursery Room, in the Education Wing, is professionally staffed for families’ convenience.
Coffee and snacks are available after worship in the Fellowship Room.
All ministries and activities are open to everyone; you do not have to be a member of St. Paul’s UMC to participate.